Off Beat

Lucky One Lane

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Launching into a more dynamic sound, Lucky One Lane delivers on these 8 tracks a more complete arrangement and story. Songs like “King Cole Miner” and “March” painting a more somber tapestry while “Tryin’ to get by on Love” indulges in more of a Surf-Rock tone. Of course, you can always jump to the albums namesake for a chance to hear Lucky One

Launching into a more dynamic sound, Lucky One Lane delivers on these 8 tracks a more complete arrangement and story. Songs like “King Cole Miner” and “March” painting a more somber tapestry while “Tryin’ to get by on Love” indulges in more of a Surf-Rock tone. Of course, you can always jump to the albums namesake for a chance to hear Lucky One Lanes spin on a rap song. With such a wide range of styles emerging in such a concise lineup of songs The Black Arrow Bard conquers all comers yet again.

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